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Samantha Kelly Memorial Award 2020

Sam Kelly Memorial Award – Anna Fisher

Anna has made an exceptionally strong contribution to the club over many years performing at highest levels in both sailing and rowing. In the past year, she has also dedicated herself to organising multiple events and training sessions whilst helping new and experienced members get the most from the Club. She had also signed up to help coach part-time at the Club over the summer months this year but unfortunately Covid-19 interfered with those plans.

Anna started rowing in 2010 and sculling in 2011. She then started full- time sailing in 2017. The list of Anna’s experience in both rowing and sailing is too long for me to read out.

Anna also served on the Fine Rowing Sub-Committee as Women’s Co-ordinator from 2019 to 2020 and is currently serving on the Young Members Committee. She has been an umpire for rowing events since 2011, and was one of the organisers of the Hong Kong Henley / Club Championship 2020.


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