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The Hoi Loong

Many of you will remember the late Pat Loseby who was a Vice Patron of the Club and many of you will have never met her but have been in the Pat Loseby Room, sat on the Pat Loseby Bench outside Reception or even stood under the tree that bears her name. But have you had a Hoi Loong? It's perfect in this chilly weather!

Words: Pat Loseby

One cold Sunday we went off cruising for the day and one of the girls had asked her Amah to fill her flask with hot water and also to give her some lemon squash in a bottle, so we could make our hot rums. When we came to pour it, we found she had put the the lemon squash in with the hot water so were were pouring out hot lemon squash, so we poured this onto our hot rum and we found this tasted jolly good. We thought tis was much better than hot rum.

When we got back to the Club we marched up to the bar and told them what we wanted them to do, and other people were in the sipping their hot rum, and they said this sounds rather good, so we tried to teach them all how to make it.

Of course it changes as you do it; sometimes it is better than others. When I do it at home I do it much better because I add a kick to it. We called it Hoi Loong. When we were at Shelter Cove just after Christmas, one of the girls said it is too sweet so I said we could alter that by not putting in any sugar and instead try putting in some lime juice. So we tried it that way and she thought it was better.

Mine is usually quite lethal.

1 Comment

Christian Ingerslev
Christian Ingerslev
Apr 25, 2021

I agree with Pat. It is a jolly good drink, especially when it is a little chilly. I have had many, many on Middle Island.

Christian Ingerslev

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